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5 New Features From Vyond in 2022

vyond Aug 10, 2022

Vyond releases new features all the time. These are 5 of the most important ones from 2022. Some are good—some are bad.

Media library inside the studio. Image search for Props and Templates. Color palette detection from an image. Voice enhancement on voiceovers. And bulk-alignment of text.

I love that the product department is working hard to improve their animation software. But let's see if we can keep an eye on the core functionality. As priority one.

As cool as new shiny stuff is, it's more important for us creators to have a simple and efficient workflow.

But sure, with some sprinkles on top.

Watch the video to get on top of what's new. 

Although it's not all radically transforming anyone's videos, there may be a trick or two that'll make a future creation of yours a little cooler. 

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Learn for free on my YouTube channel here (23,000+ subscribers)

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