A couple of times a year, I run my premium program called explain academy for the ambitious students who want to learn everything I have to teach. I enroll over the course of five days, and these are five of the most frequent questions I get during those days. Content creator, kickstart.
My name is Rued Riis and last year I decided to create something called the explain academy. It was inspired by my mentor, who did it already, just in another industry. And she told me to line up my different video courses and run it as a program over the course of, for example, six weeks where you coach people, you make sure they go through all the courses and they get a lot of, out of it with your sparring, your one-to-one.
You tailor the teachings to their specific needs and all that, that of course requires a bit more effort. And that's why this is a premium offer to the most ambitious students. I have the pleasure of teaching and the cost is a bit higher. And with a higher cost comes a couple of questions around whether people should enroll.
So the doubts around whether they should, you should put down the money or not. Well, those are increased a little bit. So these are the five most frequently asked questions I have gotten about the explain academy. The first one is what if I'm already decent at Vyond? A lot of the people that I teach Vyond users and they have watched my YouTube videos.
Maybe they've also enrolled in a course of mine where they've taught themselves to use Vyond at a pretty high level. So why should they buy the explain academy? The way I describe what the explain academy is that it's kind of a two edge sword on one side it's about communication skills. And on the other side, it's about constant creation skills and.
If you should enroll or if you should skip it because you're already pretty good at Vyond I say that's a, the second half of it. That's the concentration side, a lot of yarn users and the Vyond experts even could benefit greatly from learning a bit more about basic communication. How to structure your message, how to simplify something complex, how to lay a good foundation under your video before you jump into the animation part in Vyond
so I say, well, first of all, you can always get better at Vyond I can take you to the next level. I could look at your videos and give you feedback on the aesthetics, the symmetry, the hierarchy, the colors, how you compose your scenes. So that's, that's also something that I can do, but I think we should swim out a little bit and think about explain academy as more than just Vyond training.
So if you're worried about your kind of skills being already at the level that you will end out at, eh, don't worry at all, you will be a transformed content creator at the end of these six weeks. So even though you're good at the ons, I think you should still join the explaining. The next question.
What if I don't have the time? And I kind of surprise people when I opened the enrollment window. I only enroll over the course of five days because I think that you should have a little bit of urgency behind you to make a decision and figure out whether you want to act on this or not. So it's good with a limited time.
This might mean that I run my academies on top of people's important projects and therefore they don't think they have the time to attend to during the next six weeks. What I say this is that you never really have the time, right? You never really have six weeks of vacation of free time to invest in a new skillset or expanding a current one.
So I say, join anyway at 10, as much as you. Attending I'm prepared. It's better than not attending at all. If you haven't had the time to it, take the course or do the challenge or book the session or whatever I ask you to do from weeks a week. I still think that you should join the live masterclasses. I still think that you should enroll in the academy and get as much out of it as possible with that being set.
Half the time at all you enroll and you figure out in week one life is getting the best of you and you have super much to do in your business or on the job. I just want to say that there is lifetime access to explain academy. So a couple of the students in the, in my first cohort last year, they bought the.
But then they wrote me that, you know, they can just see now that they don't have the time to, to participate. Can they get either a refund or how does it work with the next cohort and all that jazz. So I told them that that's fine. I totally understand. You can just join the next. So that's what you do. If you don't have time for this one, you can buy it.
You have lifetime access. If you figure out halfway through that, you can attend this time around, you just attend the next one. And the next one, and maybe even the next one, again, the curriculum keeps changing, evolving, expanding, and you might actually benefit a whole lot from attending several. So that's actually just a good thing.
If you figure out that I actually don't want to I skipped a couple of things last time. Now I want to attend again so I can refresh my memory or even learn something. The third question I get is what if I'm in a different time zone? That is a good question. And the way I've tried to solve this is that I do my life masterclasses on Mondays at 5:00 PM.
Copenhagen time. That's 4:00 PM. In the UK, it's 11:00 AM in New York and it's 8:00 AM in Los Angeles. The majority of the people attending are Americans. So I try to cater for them primarily, I'm sorry to all of the rest of you, but the Europe Europeans will kind of join in the afternoon and Americans will join in the.
The Australians, they might have a problem here. It'll be in the middle of the nights. So they won't be able to attend the live masterclasses so easily. We actually had one student who got up at two in the night and attended the live masterclass and went to bed again, very dedicated. But I don't demand that from any of you, what you do instead is that you don't attend life during the master classes, but you watch the recording after.
So we record all the live sessions and you can just watch them whenever you have the time and what you do instead of talking to me live during the master classes is that you book your way once, once with me during a time that fits both of us. So I can do it early in the morning and that'll be your afternoon if you're in Australia and we'll have that live time FaceTime in other ways than the groups.
The fourth question I get is that what if I've already bought some. Like, if someone has bought a course from me already, or they bought the, the F the all access pass which you also get, when you enroll in the explain academy, we will then get my money back, or what's up with that. Does that overlap?
So I get, I get a discount. I would say that's a explain academy lies beyond. As single course, and it'll, it's, it's beyond an all access pass. If you had that and you've watched some of the courses you've learned from that, that's just a good headstart. I actually think that there's so much more, it contains in this six week program that lies beyond these self-paced programs.
And so I won't give you a discount. But I will say that most students. Joined, the explain academy are already involved with me in some way, paid or free. They've watched my YouTube videos. Maybe they've paid for one course. They even got the all access pass. And that's just a good thing. You already kind of know what this is about and we could get a quicker up to speeds and then you will have a headstart.
So you don't have to spend so much time on the courses. We can spend more FaceTime or one-to-one, or, you know, I can give you feedback on the challenges or the projects that you were. So even though there is a bit of an overlap, it's going to be so much more than you've already gotten and therefore, eh, it's not going to be discounted just because you're already involved in my world.
Sorry about that. But I hope it sounds fair. The fifth and last question is what if I don't have the money? If you don't, then you shouldn't. I don't buy, if you don't have the money, that's the first response I'll give. Secondly, I want to say that there is an alternative payment plan where you pay a worker three months.
So if that's easier, I think you should sign up for that. It costs a bit more because there is a bit more hassle and administration around a payment plans, a payment plan. Yeah. I know that in Denmark, eh, courses like these are tax deductible in many countries, they are. So maybe you can also get a little bit of money back from your investments in your re-skilling or up-skilling.
I want to end this episode with a. I will do my very best to make the explain academy, great return on investments. It costs a little, but you will get so much more in return. I do my very best. I put in all my energy and passion in teaching towards your goals. I specify whatever I know and have experienced to make the most sense for that specific context you're in.
So if you consider. Do it, I really, really hope to see you inside the explain academy.